Our Story

Our Story

Our Story
With a heart full of dreams and a zest for adventure, Frank Sr. journeyed to the US in 1969, not just for a new life, but for love. Inspired by the tantalizing aroma of pizzas wafting through the Bronx streets, he took his first steps into the pizza business, washing dishes and kneading dough with determination. As the 1960s danced by, Frank Sr.'s dedication and passion propelled him up the ladder of success, until one day, he stood at the threshold of his own pizzeria. It wasn't just a store; it was a culmination of family recipes passed down through generations, a true treasure trove of traditional flavors.

Generations United by Flavor

Generations United by Flavor
The echo of laughter and the clink of glasses were soon joined by the joyful voices of his sons, Frank and Al. The legacy of family and business seamlessly intertwined as they joined their father, working side by side to create a haven of deliciousness. Frank Sr.'s stories of his Bronx days became bedtime tales, inspiring the next generation to weave their own magic with every dough toss and sauce swirl. Since 1979, Franco's Pizza has flourished, not just as a locally owned and operated business, but as a testament to the power of love, hard work, and the warmth of family ties. With each bite of their mouthwatering creations, patrons savor a slice of history and a dash of heart, all thanks to the journey of a young man who followed his heart and found his passion in a slice of pizza. We invite you to come on by, say hello, and let us serve you some of our favorite family recipes!